Pay TV Losses — “Panic Disguised as Progress”

Interview with Streaming Media Pioneer Bill Mobley

Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2019


As I’ve shared my recent stories here on OTT Squared, the questions keep coming, speaking to the confusion that exists in the TV industry. Among consumers, among executives, even among some of the most powerful and longest-serving leaders in this industry.

With so much interest, I’ve sat down for an interview about some of the big questions and challenges that will define the very future of television.

From consumers wondering why it’s so hard to find their favorite shows, to industry leaders grappling with falling revenue, our aim was to tackle the topics that everyone can relate to.

I share my view on these subjects from a unique perspective: not only having been involved in the OTT video space, but having been at the very forefront of it since its inception.

With this experience comes a unique understanding of the industry and the economics behind it. Many of the predictions that I’ve made over the past 2 decades have indeed come to pass, with more on the verge of being fulfilled in the coming months and years ahead.

The rest I’ll leave for the interview to answer. Please enjoy the video and feel free to like, comment, or share.

